Meghan Klein, RCH

Clinical Hypnotherapist,

Family Constellations Facilitator

Meghan’s passion for personal growth and development, mixed with her love of solving problems led from a career in People Management to People Development. Meghan says “I have always been passionate about mental health and personal growth, striving to understand myself and others. Early in my career I choose to explore my passion for solving problems. Now I am taking the skills I have learned and applying it to my other passion – mental health. This led me to pursue training in Clinical Hypnotherapy through the Canadian Academy of Clinical Hypnotherapy. More recently I have completed training in Family and Systemic Constellations which has given me a deep understanding of how family entanglements influence our everyday lives. I have also trained in Advanced Integrative Therapy (AIT) on clearing emotions and trauma from our energetic chakra system.” Meghan is a Registered Clinical Hypnotherapist with ARCH Canada.

My philosophy is change can be easy, and sometimes we get in our own way without realizing it and make our lives harder. Throughout my life I have been privileged to experience many types of change work including talk therapy, life coaching, Family Constellations, Process Healing, EMDR and Advanced Integrative Therapy (AIT), and I have attended countless workshops on communication, understanding myself and my personality through Myers Briggs, Personality Colours, Personality Adaptations, Spark Type, and Transactional Analysis (TA). All this personal growth led me to discover Clinical Hypnotherapy and Family Constellations, and witness how fast change can occur in myself and my clients. Clinical Hypnotherapy is a modality that facilitates a fast connection to our inner subconscious mind, allowing for realization, new learning, and change in the part our mind that drives us each and every day. Family Constellations allows us to see our family system and release entanglements.

Through my work I am honored to witness deep, lasting change in my clients. If you are ready for meaningful change in your life, I would be delighted to work with you.